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CLI for creating new Filament plugins

Hydro screenshot


A Hydro CLI Tool.

This is a command-line tool that replaces the need to use Filament's Plugin Skeleton through GitHub by allowing local setup of your plugin from the start.



composer global require awcodes/hydro


composer global update awcodes/hydro


Make sure ~/.composer/vendor/bin is in your terminal's path.

cd ~/<working-directory>
hydro new AwesomePlugin

Customizing Hydro

While the default actions Hydro provides are great, most users will want to customize at least a few of the steps. Thankfully, Hydro is built to be customized!

There are three ways to customize your usage of Hydro: command-line arguments or a config file.

Most users will want to set their preferred configuration options once and then never think about it again. That's best solved by creating a config file.

But if you find yourself needing to change the way you interact with Hydro on a project-by-project basis, you may also want to use the command-line parameters to customize Hydro when you're using it.

Creating a config file

You can create a config file at ~/.hydro/config rather than pass the same arguments each time you create a new project.

The following command creates the file, if it doesn't exist, and edits it:

hydro edit-config

The config file contains the configuration parameters you can customize, and will be read on every usage of Hydro.

Using command-line parameters

Any command-line parameters passed in will override Hydro's defaults and your config settings. See a full list of the parameters you can pass in.

Hydro Commands

Configurable parameters

You can optionally pass one or more of these parameters every time you use Hydro. If you find yourself wanting to configure any of these settings every time you run Hydro, that's a perfect use for the config files.

GitHub Repository Creation

Important: To create new repositories Hydro requires one of the following tools to be installed:

Hydro will give you the option to continue without GitHub repository creation if neither tool is installed.

# Repository created at<your_github_username>/awesome-plugin
hydro new AwesomePlugin --github
hydro new AwesomePlugin --github --gh-public
hydro new AwesomePlugin --github --gh-description='My awesome Filament plugin'
hydro new AwesomePlugin --github --gh-homepage=
# Repository created at
hydro new AwesomePlugin --github --gh-org=acme