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Alpine Floating UI


Add Floating UI functionality to Alpine 3.x components.

Alpine Floating UI screenshot

Alpine Floating UI

Add Floating UI functionality to Alpine 3.x components.

This package only supports Alpine ^3.x.


This plugin adds a $float magic and an x-float directive to Alpine, with modifiers for Floating UI functionality.



Include the following <script> tag in the <head> of your document, just before Alpine. This plugin has the option to use x-trap, but you must also include the Alpine Focus plugin as well to make use of it.

<script src="" defer></script>
<!-- optional unless you want to use x-trap -->
<script defer src=""></script>


npm install @awcodes/alpine-floating-ui

This plugin has the option to use x-trap, but you must also include the Alpine Focus plugin as well to make use of it.

import Alpine from "alpinejs";
import Focus from "@alpinejs/focus"; // optional unless you want to use x-trap
import AlpineFloatingUI from "@awcodes/alpine-floating-ui";
Alpine.plugin(Focus); // optional unless you want to use x-trap
window.Alpine = Alpine;


See the Floating UI Tutorial for infomation about styling.


$float Magic

To create a Floating UI component, use the $float magic on the trigger element and apply an x-ref to your 'panel'. Don't forget to have x-data on the root element of your component.

.panel { display: none; }
<div class="component" x-data>
<button @click="$float()">I have a floating panel. Woot!</button>
<div x-ref="panel" class="panel">I'm floating</div>

x-float Directive

To create a floating UI component with x-float, add the directive to your floating element with an x-ref to name the name. You can then trigger the panel with a click event using $refs to target the panel.

Available methods on the trigger are toggle, open, and close.

To use the middleware with x-float simply chain on the middleware you need to use.

<div class="component" x-data>
<button @click="$refs.panel.toggle">Trigger</button>
<div x-ref="panel" class="panel" x-float.placement.bottom-start.flip.offset>
<p>I'm floating</p>

Floating UI configuration

The first argument of $float should be an object.

This object currently accepts the 'position', 'flip', 'offset', 'shift', 'arrow', and 'hide' middleware for Floating UI. See the Floating UI Tutorial for infomation about these options.

Default options are:

placement: 'bottom',
middleware: [autoPlacement()],

With $float Magic

To use the default options for each middleware pass an empty object as the value.

<button @click="$float({
offset: 10,
flip: {},
hide: {
strategy: 'referenceHidden'

With x-float Directive

All settings should be configured within the expression of the x-float directive with the exception of placement which should be used directly on the directive itself. See placement options.

offset: 30,
hide: {
strategy: 'referenceHidden'

Arrow Middleware

To use the arrow middleware you must provide an element to use as the arrow, placed inside your panel in the HTML and passed into the arrow middleware as a $ref to the element.

With $float Magic

<div class="component" x-data>
<button @click="$float({
offset: 10,
arrow: {
element: $refs.arrow
})">I'm a fancy button with a fancy arrow panel</button>
<div x-ref="panel" class="panel">
I'm floating 2!
<div x-ref="arrow" class="arrow"></div>

With x-float Directive

<div class="component" x-data>
<button @click="$refs.panel.toggle">I'm a fancy button with a fancy arrow panel</button>
offset: 30,
arrow: {
element: $refs.arrow
<p>I'm floating 2!</p>
<div x-ref="arrow" class="arrow"></div>

Styling the arrow (this is just an example, you are free to style it anyway you choose):

.arrow {
position: absolute;
background-color: inherit;
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
transform: rotate(45deg);


The second argument that can be passed to $float is an object of plugin options for each float-ui element.

With $float Magic

<button @click="$float({
offset: 10,
placement: 'bottom-start',
trap: true

With x-float Directive



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Copyright (c) 2022 Adam Weston and contributors

Licensed under the MIT license, see for details.